The Sand Poet

I am happy to share my flash fiction piece The Sand Poet will be published by literary journal Lalitamba.

Lalitamba: An Uplifting Literary Experience is a biannual journal of contemporary spiritual literature. The underlying theme and power of the literary journal Lalitamba is the realization that, whatever our circumstances, all we need is here, now, within our own open hearts.

Please see back here for which upcoming issue it will be printed.  OM.

Yoga & Writing Workshop

Breathe in Yoga & Exhale the Muse!

Celebrate the end of summer and usher in the fall writing season by joining me on Saturday, September 1, 2012, 9 am to 12:oo pm for a Yoga & Writing Workshop, to be held at Marine Park, 200 Harris Avenue,  Bellingham, Washington, USA. (In Fairhaven past the Alaska Ferry Terminal)  

Description:  A morning workshop, we begin learning yoga postures, mudras, and mantras to assist in connecting with our creative writing muse, and to help maintain health through a writing life.   The yogic skills learned in this workshop are meant to be taken home and used daily, prior to and while writing. This workshop is recommended for all writers: bloggers, poets, journalists, novelists, journal writers, and anyone who wants to write.   I have found through my own writing experiences- long days of sitting, typing, editing, rewriting and reading- that my yoga practice has enabled me to endure, in health, the rigors of the writer’s life.  The yoga practice will be followed by creative writing exercises based on the yogic 5 elements.

Details: Workshop space is limited to 10 people.  Cost $35.  Yoga 9:00-10:15, 15 minute break with refreshments provided, 10:30-12:oo creative writing exercises.  Please bring your personal writing materials:  notebook and pen/pencil.  Wear comfortable clothing appropriate for that day’s weather, as our practices will be outside, and refrain from eating 2 hours prior to our meeting.

To sign up and for more information please contact: Stephanie Renee dos Santos at